

Human-kind focuses on developing good practice around mental health and wellbeing for all adults and children in your school, academy, organisation or community. Using the PERMA model from positive psychology we will help you to balance the demands of an increasingly test driven and challenging curriculum and workload (for adults as well as children!) with the need to support and promote wellbeing and mental health. 

P : Positive emotion

E : Engagement

R : Relationships

M : Meaning

A : Accomplishments


We will discuss your specific requirements but this can include one or more of the following:


  • Face to face training or workshops developing knowledge and skills around what good mental health looks like and how to develop practices that support good mental health and well-being for individuals, groups and whole organisations. This can be linked to specific challenges, for example, exam stress, school attendance, building positive relationships, or it can be part of a review and development of whole school or organisational policy and practice.

  • Support to carry out an audit or review of current practices around well-being and mental health in order to identify existing strengths and identify areas for development.

  • Focus on the well-being and mental health of particular groups and training or support to develop skills and strategies to for those groups, for example children looked after or year 6 children. 

  • In class observation to support the implementation of strategies and approaches developed with staff and practitioners. 

  • Supervision or group problem solving support for adults supporting, or concerned about their own mental health and well-being or that of the children and young people they work with.

  • Work to develop systems and strategies at an organisational level that promote good mental health and well-being. For example, collaborative work with staff to develop mentally healthy staff rooms.


Contact us for further information or to discuss your specific requirements. 

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