Stronger Together

Stronger together

Stronger Together aims to support the development of stong, inclusive communities using four factors of sense of community as the basis for this (membership, influence, fulfilment of needs and emotional connection). A strong sense of community improves mental health and well-being and has been shown to impact on academic outcomes, attendance and parental engagement. 

We will discuss your specific requirements but this could include one or more of the following:


  • Face to face training or workshops to develop understanding around why sense of community is important and how this can be developed within your organisation. This can focus on specific areas, for example, positive communication with parents, meaningful use of the 'child's voice'.

  • Support to develop a community, organisation, or staff vision or plan which can link to or underpin other development plans using the PATH model (Promoting Alternative Tomorrows with Hope). 

  • Support to carry out an audit or review of current practices and ethos and the engagement of different groups within this.

  • Provision of practical resources and materials, or signposts to these, as appropriate.

  • Work to develop systems and strategies at an organisational level that promote strong and inclusive communities, for example, 'welcome' package intended to enhance and increase parental engagement using the four factors of sense of community as a basis for reviewing and improving parental experience with the school community. 


Please contact us for further information or to discuss your specific requirements .

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