I Can Read

I Can Read

Some children and young people find it harder to develop reading and writing skills than others or find it difficult to retain and apply skills. We use our knowledge of learning and child development, alongside approaches from positive psychology, to help those supporting children understand why this happens and how best to support those children. We can help you reflect on what you already offer so that you can prioritise and develop more effective and efficient literacy support for groups, or across your organisation.

We will discuss you specific requirements but this can include:


  • Face to face training or workshops to develop knowledge, confidence and skills in supporting reading development, dyslexia and effective intervention (for example precision teaching training) or strategies to teach, engage and manage children with literacy difficulties in the classroom. 

  • Support to carry out an audit or review of current practices around supporting reading development in order to identify existing strengths and areas for development.

  • Focus on the literacy development of particular groups, for example those with language delays, and training or support to develop skills and strategies to support the literacy development of those groups.

  • In class observation and coaching to support the implementation of strategies and approaches.

  • Provision of practical resources and materials, or signposts to these, as appropriate. 

  • Supervision or group problem solving support for adults providing or overseeing support for reading development.

  • Work to develop systems and strategies at an organisational level that promote good practice for children with reading or literacy difficulties. For example, differentiation strategies for the classroom, support to generalise intervention learning into classrooms.

Contact us for further information or to discuss your specific requirements

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